The Best Unit In Its ClassWe Care For Our EarthEnergy For Future We use the best units to ensure operations run optimally. Best unit in class We integrate information technology and data analysis to optimize mining operations. Operational based on the data We always communicate well on every job so that teamwork is always maintained. Solid team Our team consists of personnel who are certified and competent in their fields Quality human resources Creating an optimal work environment to support operations. Compact and Synergistic We continue to grow and develop rapidly every year. Continues to grow Sekilas tentang kami Recent News newsSafety Starts at Home – PT Wahana Bandhawa KencanaKeselamatan bukan hanya tentang di tempat kerja, tapi juga di rumah! Hari ini, PT Wahana Bandhawa Kencana mengadakan kegiatan… newsPeduli Keselamatan Sejak Dini – PT Wahana Bandhawa Kencana Goes to SchoolPada 21 Januari 2025, tim kami dari PT Wahana Bandhawa Kencana berbagi ilmu dengan para siswa-siswi SMKN 1 Lahat…
newsSafety Starts at Home – PT Wahana Bandhawa KencanaKeselamatan bukan hanya tentang di tempat kerja, tapi juga di rumah! Hari ini, PT Wahana Bandhawa Kencana mengadakan kegiatan…
newsPeduli Keselamatan Sejak Dini – PT Wahana Bandhawa Kencana Goes to SchoolPada 21 Januari 2025, tim kami dari PT Wahana Bandhawa Kencana berbagi ilmu dengan para siswa-siswi SMKN 1 Lahat…